sprechblasen | 2015 | detail
sprechblasen | 2015 | copper wire | ca 37x28x27cm
disc | 2016 | manganin wire | 33cm across
folding | 2016 | litz wire | ca 38x27x2cm
folding | 2016 | litz wire | ca 49x58x4cm
folding | 2016 | litz wire | ca 31x29x2cm
sitzschatten | 2016 | litz wire | 33x7x39cm
sitzschatten | 2016 | copper wire | 28x39x7cm
square | 2016 | nylon thread | 14x14cm
untitled | 1994 | hair, steel | 4,5x3x1cm
thought of a mould | 2016 | eggshell | 4x24x24cm
thought of a mould | 2016 | eggshell | 7x16x16cm
thought of a mould | 2016 | eggshell | 8x23x9cm
untitled | 2016 | eggshell, mixed media | 5x22x23cm
untitled | 2016 | eggshell, mixed media | 18x4x6cm
keil | 2010 | eggshell on wood | ca 8x35x4cm
mein lauf der dinge | 2010 | eggshell | 21cm across
skins | 2009 | eggshell, avocado skin | ca 5x10x8cm
untitled | 1994/2006 | drilled eggs | ca 4x6cm each
stone-series | 2001/04 | hollow-cast, berlin cobble stones | 8x7x4cm each
band | 2014 | copper wire | ca 23x780x23cm
check | 2016 | copper wire | 20x380x380cm
untitled | 2013 | cutting wire | 48x25x23cm
annähernd | 2012 | copper wire | ca 7x410x560cm | drawing: K. Harder
site | 2013 | cutting wire | ca 88x370x510cm
site | 2013 | detail
umriss | 2012 | cutting wire | ca 54x200x210cm
leavening | 2011 | copper wire | ca 53x180x190cm
pink | 2009 | copper wire, wood, nylon | 68x23x130cm
pink | 2009 | detail
cache | 2012 | cutting wire | 10x200x300cm
hinterland | 2011 | copper wire | ca 290x520x420m
hinterland | 2011 | detail
hier | 2009 | cutting wire | 100x210x320cm
reel 38/4 | 2005 | copper wire, perspex | 38x38x38cm
reel 16/4 | 2005 | copper wire, perspex | 17x38x19cm
claim I | 2005 | cutting wire | 190x160x65cm
mass | 2006 | copper wire | 50x100x100cm
beginningless | 2006 | cutting wire | 8x400x1300cm
block | 2002 | copper wire, perspex | 59x64x130cm
untitled | 2012 | cutting wire | 59x120x52cm
swathe | 2008 | copper wire | 30x30x135cm
rechteck | 2010 | cutting wire | 90x65x30cm